Southampton Data Observatory brings together data from key stakeholders across Southampton and Hampshire and, combined with nationally published data, makes it accessible to professionals, businesses, the voluntary sector, citizens and communities. This page draws together data resources underpinning the Southampton Single Needs Assessment organised by topic, to make access to the information as easy as possible.
Within the Power BI dashboards, Southampton has been benchmarked against England and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and local neighbour Local Authorities. Where appropriate, data is also presented for localities and 2023 wards in Southampton to highlight inequalities that may exist within the city and to help the targeting of services. Finally, wherever possible, trend data for Southampton and England is presented allowing changes to be tracked over time. All dashboards include full metadata, including data sources and time periods.
Data and intelligence is presented within Power BI interactive data dashboards available to download below organised alphabetically by topic. Other resources can also be downloaded from the presentation slide sets page, maps page and in the data by topic section.
The alcohol dashboard presents a wide range of data regarding alcohol, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making, such as the Southampton Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Strategy. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all the included indicators. Sub-city analysis is in development for certain indicators.
The benefit maps dashboard presents a wide range of data regarding diabetes, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time. The majority of diabetes data is shared at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level, although some indicators are presented by local authority. Sub-city data by Southampton GPs (General Practitioners) is available for some indicators. Data in this dashboard is compiled from publicly available sources such as Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
The births dashboard presents a range of data on births, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included.
Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for Cardiovascular Disease. Some indicators include analysis at a sub-city level.
Users can access a range of Census data across different topic areas including population, education, identity, housing, health and work. With the ability to view benchmarking between Southampton and ONS comparators and mapping of data by Census geographies, such as lower layer super output areas (LSOA) a neighbourhood of around 1,500 residents.
The Southampton Safe City Strategic Assessment provides an overview of current and future crime, disorder and community safety issues affecting Southampton and makes recommendations to enable the Partnership to focus the Safe City Strategy and local delivery plans.
These cost of living indices cover a range of different areas (clinical conditions, energy and economic).
The diabetes dashboard presents a wide range of data regarding diabetes, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time. The majority of diabetes data is shared at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level, although some indicators are presented by local authority. Sub-city data by Southampton GPs (General Practitioners) is available for some indicators. Data in this dashboard is compiled from publicly available sources such as Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
The drugs dashboard presents a wide range of data regarding drugs, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making, such as the Southampton Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Strategy. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included. Sub-city analysis is in development for certain indicators.
The dashboard below shows EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) data for residential properties in Southampton. EPCs rate the current and potential energy efficiency of a home out of 100 (these ratings are also grouped A to G). Energy efficiency rating chart. Click or tap for a larger image. Energy efficient properties are deemed to be those with a current rating of C or better. This dashboard shows how the percent of energy efficient homes varies across the city.
The economic dashboard was also developed alongside the refresh updating the key messages for the city. This assessment differs slightly to previous assessments, as there is a particular focus on the economic impact of coronavirus on different aspects of the Southampton economy.
This dashboard draws together a selection of interactive maps on various topics all in one place. These maps range from geographical boundary maps and points of interest for Southampton.
This dashboard provides profiles for neighbourhoods, electoral wards and localities in Southampton. These profiles have been produced to meet the need for information and intelligence at the local level in the city and form part of the Single Needs Assessment for Southampton. These profiles pull together information across a range of topics including demography, economy, community safety, health, education and social care to better understand the local population need at sub-city geographies.
The health and wellbeing strategy dashboard presents a range of data to help measure how well public health and wellbeing is being improved and protected.
This dashboard presents a range of data related to Health Protection. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources, accessed through data tools from the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID).
The healthy weight dashboard which includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for adult and children’s weights. Analysis is also included at sub-city levels and by deprivation.
This dashboard provides profiles for national and local deprivation quintiles in Southampton. These profiles pull together information across a range of topics including demography, economy, community safety, health, education and social care. In order to better understand the level of inequality in Southampton and whether the inequality gap is improving over time.
The life expectancy and mortality dashboard present a range of data regarding life expectancy and mortality, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included. Some indicators include analysis at sub-city levels, by Southampton wards, primary care networks (PCNs) and deprivation quintiles.
The mental health dashboard presents a range of data related to mental health. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources, accessed through data tools from the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID).
NHS England have produced a Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities dashboard which contains information on people with a learning disability or autism and those without, to identify potential differences in treatment, health status and outcomes. The dashboard has been produced at Sub Integrated Care board (Sub-ICB) level.
The dashboard is divided into sections relating to the requirements of a JSNA, containing pages where both narrative and data are presented. Indicators are taken from Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) Fingertips.
The physical activity dashboard presents a range of data regarding physical activity, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making, such as the Southampton Physical Activity and Sport Strategy and Cycling Southampton. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time. Some indicators include analysis at a sub-city level.
The population dashboard presents a range of population data to provide intelligence on Southampton's resident and GP registered population to help drive strategic decision making. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources. Including Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF), Mid-Year Population Estimates (MYE), Subnational Population Projections (SNPP) and GP Registered Populations.
Respiratory diseases affect the lungs and respiratory system. This dashboard includes analysis and benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included.
The sexual health dashboard presents a wide range of data regarding sexual health, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making, such as the Southampton Sexual Health Improvement Plan. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included. Some indicators include analysis at a sub-city level. Metadata is also included for all indicators. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources including Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
This dashboard shows sub-city areas at risk of Social Isolation within Southampton. The Social Isolation scores have been calculated using a method called Z-Scoring which normalises the different indicators into the same range then grouped into deciles to see which areas across the city are most at risk of social isolation.
This data set is the key performance indicators for the Southampton City Council Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2023-2028. The strategy is available from the Key strategies, plans and policies link below. The related TAD dashboard is also available below.