Southampton Data Observatory brings together data, intelligence and insight from key stakeholders across Southampton and Hampshire, combined with nationally published data, and makes it accessible to professionals, businesses, the voluntary sector, citizens and communities. This page draws together the results of surveys on various topics all in one place. These results bring together insight into a helpful visual summary of the main issues and key needs in the city for any given topic. Survey and poll results are available to download below organised alphabetically by topic. Other resources can also be downloaded from the presentation slide sets page and data by topic page and maps page.
A number of Coronavirus related surveys were conducted, these results have now been archived but are available on request.
Email: research@southampton.gov.uk
Below you will find a selection of results from surveys and polls from Southampton City Council and partners.
Unpaid carers are important to the Department of Health & Social Care and the Care Quality Commission. The Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) has been developed to learn more about whether services; help carers in their caring role and their life outside of caring; and what carers think of the services provided to the person they care for. These services are paid for by the council and may be delivered by the council or other organisations. The SACE 2021-22 has been successfully completed by Southampton City Council. This is the fifth time we have run this survey, with the first survey was carried about in 2012–2013. Normally the survey is repeated every two years but last year it was cancelled by NHS Digital because of the pandemic. The survey ran in Autumn 2021 when 1,000 questionnaires were sent out to informal (unpaid) carers such as next-of-kin, spouses, other family members and neighbours. This report contains a summary of the Southampton version of the survey, which contains local questions about services. The survey was sent to NHS Digital in March 2022. The survey had a total of 39 questions, with 36 that were asked to every council in England and three extra “local questions” unique to Southampton.
The latest survey ran from October to December 2020. Each year a set of common Local Government Association (LGA) questions are included, which allows Southampton to be benchmarked against the national average and for trends to be tracked over time, as well as questions relating to emerging priority areas. The results from the 2020 Southampton City Survey can be downloaded below.
This report represents the findings of the Southampton City Survey telephone resident survey, between July and September 2018.
This report represents the findings of the Southampton City Resident Survey which was conducted between 25 March and 18 April 2016.
Last updated: 18 August 2023