Within the Gambling Act 2005, Southampton as the Licensing Authority must have regard to the licensing objectives as set out in Section 1 of the Act. The licensing objectives are to:
As part of the update to the Gambling Act section 349 Statement of Principles, a dashboard was created to enable license applicants to access a range of relevant data related to the geographical area around their premises and to consider this in their application for a gambling license. The dashboard covers both Health and Social data in two separate areas or domains. A method called Z-Scoring was used to normalise indicators in each domain onto an equal scale so the data can then be combined together. This is then used to calculate Gambling Premises Assessment Index scores, which are then used to rank areas (wards and localities) from high to low. These are then split into ten equal groups known as deciles and mapped to aid applicants identify areas most at risk to gambling harms.
The indicators in the Health domain include:
The indicators in the Social domain include:
The Gambling Premises Assessment Index and further information on the z-score methodology used can be accessed via the links below:
Last updated: 09 April 2024