Data and resources from the population section. Including population size, structure, population forecasts, ethnicity, languages spoken, religion and migration. As well as the latest information on 2021 Census.
The dashboard presents a range of population data to provide intelligence on Southampton's resident and GP registered population to help drive strategic decision making. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources. Including Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF), Mid-Year Population Estimates (MYE), Subnational Population Projections (SNPP) and GP Registered Populations. The compendium also contains information on languages spoken in schools and ethnic groups of school pupils.
The births dashboard presents a range of data regarding births, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included. Some indicators include analysis at sub-city levels, by Southampton wards and by national or local deprivation quintiles.
Annual population estimates. Figures are available for various administrative and electoral geographies and for different population sub-groups, for example, estimates of the very old and estimates by marital status.
Annual statistics on live births including countries of birth for non-UK-born mothers and fathers.
The Office for National statistics has produced a new tool that allows for customised population groups. Select one or more identity characteristics to define a population group, for example people whose main language is Spanish or people born in the UK who are disabled under the Equality Act. Once selected, you will see how your selected group compares to the whole population of England and Wales, based on Census 2021 data.
This profile brings together a range of publicly available data, information, reports, tools and resources on child and maternal health into one easily accessible hub. It helps you find and use the information and evidence you need to improve decision making as part of your planning or commissioning process.
Users can access a range of Census data across different topic areas including population, education, identity, housing, health and work. With the ability to view benchmarking between Southampton and ONS comparators and mapping of data by Census geographies, such as lower layer super output areas (LSOA) a neighbourhood of around 1,500 residents.
Data releases from the 2021 Census, compared with 2011 Census and other population estimates. Results include population by age and sex, population density, migration and households. A summary slide set and a data compendium comparing Southampton, ONS comparators and England can be downloaded using the links below.
The UK population estimates between mid-2011 and mid-2022 provide official estimates of the population at the UK, country, regional and local authority level. This release includes information about the components of population change in the year to mid-2022 – births, deaths and migration, both international and internal.
Data releases from the 2021 Census, from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Compare a local authority and the UK average (median) local authority by different indicators, such as weekly pay and healthy life expectancy. You can also add and compare up to three other local authorities.
The projections take the mid-2018 population estimates, published on 26 June 2019, as their starting point and project the population to 2043. The projected local authority populations for each year are calculated by ageing on the population from the previous year, applying local fertility and mortality rates to calculate the number of projected births and deaths, and then adjusting for migration into and out of each local authority.
The Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF) are produced by Hampshire County Council and cover Hampshire, the local districts, Portsmouth and Southampton. These figures are based on natural change (births and deaths), internal and international migration and known dwelling completions. They also include future dwellings supply based on residential planning applications. The SAPF data is available for Local Authorities, wards and Lower Level Super Output Areas (LSOA), allowing the creation of defined smaller areas or community data.
The primary source of information on migration comes from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), who produce estimates of internal migration based on data from the NHS Personal Demographic Service and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and estimates of international migration based on data from surveys such as the International Passenger Survey (IPS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS). The next updates are due in November 2023.
The number of patients registered at a GP on the first day of each month. Presented at practice, PCN, ICB sub-location, ICB and NHS England Commissioning Region level. LSOA data are published quarterly. Data is released in single year of age and 5-year age bands, split by gender.