The People's Panel is a group of residents who take part in surveys and other opportunities to express their views on council services, health services and living in the city. It is a good opportunity to influence how services are delivered, highlight issues, and help shape public services in your community.
Run by Southampton City Council and with support from the University of Southampton, the People's Panel has been active since 2015 and the results from our surveys have been used to inform a number of decisions and service changes.
Members of the People's Panel are sent either a poll or survey around once every two to four weeks. The polls are typically quick to complete and are around one to three questions long. The surveys are generally a little longer to help us get more detail on a topic, but these won't be send as frequently. It is completely up to individuals how many of these polls and surveys they complete.
From time to time, there are also opportunities to be involved in other activities like focus groups so that the council can get more detailed thoughts on a certain topic. In the past, People's Panel members have tested new developments, such as new features on the council website.
The team are always looking for Southampton residents aged 18 years and over to join. No special experience or expertise is needed. The council want a diverse panel which reflects the people of Southampton, the only requirement is your interest in contributing your views. If you are interested in becoming a member please visit our sign up page: People's Panel sign up.
A number of Coronavirus related surveys were conducted, these results have now been archived but are available on request.
Email: research@southampton.gov.uk