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Heath data and resources

A round up of data and resources for the health section.


Alcohol dashboard

This dashboard shows key alcohol related data for Southampton, England and other comparator cities. Data in this dashboard has been compiled from a range of publicly available sources including the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

Alcohol dashboard

Analysis of need across Southampton neighbourhoods

This work highlights need and inequalities among Southampton neighbourhoods across a number of key theme areas, including demography, children’s social care, youth crime and violence, healthy start, child health and need, adult health and need, education and poverty and deprivation.

Neighbourhood Analysis of Need
Slide Set
pdf | 27.0 MB | 31.05.2021

Cardiovascular disease dashboard

Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for Cardiovascular Disease. Some indicators include analysis at a sub-city level.

CVD dashboard

Census 2021 interactive dashboard

Users can access a range of Census data across different topic areas including population, education, identity, housing, health and work. With the ability to view benchmarking between Southampton and ONS comparators and mapping of data by Census geographies; such as lower layer super output areas (LSOA) a neighbourhood of around 1,500 residents.

Census 2021 dashboard

Childhood linked analysis

Childhood obesity linked analysis of changes in weight status in Southampton between Reception year and Year 6.

Childhood obesity - Task and Finish Group: May 2022
Slide Set
pptx | 750.8 KB | 11.09.2023

OHID National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP): Child height in England - February 2025

This slide set presents data for England on the patterns and trends in average (mean) height of children age 5 years and 11 years and the prevalence of short stature among children in reception (age 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (age 10 to 11 years).

OHID National Child Measurement Programme: Child height in England February 2025
Slide Set
pdf | 279.8 KB | 05.02.2025

NHS England - Core20PLUS5

Core20PLUS5 is a national NHS England approach to inform action to reduce healthcare inequalities at both national and system level. The approach defines a target population – the ‘Core20PLUS’ – and identifies ‘5’ focus clinical areas requiring accelerated improvement. One of these five areas is hypertension.

NHS England - Core2PLUS5

Hampshire County Council - Major conditions report

The major conditions report from Hampshire County Council includes information about prevalence, emergency admissions and deaths in seven major conditions: cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, dementia, mental health, musculoskeletal conditions and chronic kidney disease.

HCC - Major conditions report

Current and predicted chronic conditions and predicted need for help

Below is a presentation including a mapping exercise looking at the prevalence of different chronic conditions by neighbourhood, showing the current variations of conditions across the city and an overview of the analysis.

Current and predicted chronic conditions and predicted need for help - October 2022
Slide Set

Drugs dashboard

This dashboard shows key drug related data for Southampton, England and other comparator cities. Data in this dashboard has been compiled from a range of publicly available sources including the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

Drugs dashboard

Food environment analysis

Analysis of the food environment and location of fast-food premises and supermarkets in Southampton

Food Environment Presentation 2024
Slide Set
pdf | 4.0 MB | 11.09.2023

Hampshire and Isle of Wight - ONS Health Index: 2015-2021

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is aligned with the structure of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Health Index. The power bi also includes an introduction to the Global Burden of Disease.

Hampshire’s ONS Health Index PowerBI

Health Protection dashboard

Data from a range of Health Protection measures including Gastrointestinal infections Immunisations and childhood vaccine preventable diseases, respiratory infections, hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV.

Health Protection Dashboard

Healthy weight dashboard

The healthy weight dashboard which includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for adult and children’s weights. Analysis is also included at sub-city levels and by deprivation.

Healthy weight dashboard

Life expectancy and mortality dashboard

The life expectancy and mortality dashboard present a range of data regarding life expectancy and mortality, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included. Some indicators include analysis at sub-city levels, by Southampton wards, primary care networks (PCNs) and deprivation quintiles.

Life expectancy and mortality dashboard

Long term conditions

Summary long term conditions prevalence in Southampton and projections of how they are expected to grow in the future.

Current and predicted chronic conditions and predicted need for help - October 2022
Slide Set
pdf | 14.8 MB | 26.10.2022

Mental health dashboard

The mental health dashboard presents a range of data related to mental health. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources, accessed through data tools from the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID).

Mental health dashboard

Southampton Strategic Assessment - National Child Measurement Programme

Report for Southampton scrutiny panel on using the NCMP data collected in our schools, the adult national Active People Survey and all age Health Survey for England to investigate children’s weight in Southampton.

Scrutiny NCMP intelligence
pptx | 6.6 MB | 19.11.2019

Physical activity dashboard

The physical activity dashboard presents a range of data regarding physical activity, to provide intelligence to help drive strategic decision making, such as the Southampton Physical Activity and Sport Strategy and Cycling Southampton. Analysis includes benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time. Some indicators include analysis at a sub-city level.

Physical activity dashboard

Population interactive dashboard

The dashboard presents a range of population data to provide intelligence on Southampton's resident and GP registered population to help drive strategic decision making. Data in this dashboard is compiled from a range of publicly available sources. Including Small Area Population Forecasts (SAPF), Mid-Year Population Estimates (MYE), Subnational Population Projections (SNPP) and GP Registered Populations. Please note that SAPF figures in the dashboard are the sum of all Lower Level Super Output Areas (LSOA) and may not be the same as other published figures.

Southampton population dashboard

Respiratory dashboard

Respiratory diseases affect the lungs and respiratory system. This dashboard includes analysis and benchmarking against statistical neighbours and trends over time for all indicators included.

Respiratory dashboard

Social Isolation dashboard

This dashboard shows sub-city areas at risk of Social Isolation within Southampton. The Social Isolation scores have been calculated using a method called Z-Scoring which normalises the different indicators into the same range then grouped into deciles to see which areas across the city are most at risk of social isolation.

Social Isolation Dashboard

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Strategy (TAD) dashboard

Dashboard and strategy for measuring how Southampton City Council will reduce harm to people who use tobacco, alcohol and drugs, as well as harm to people around them and Southampton as a whole.

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Dashboard (TAD)

Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Vaping (TADV) Needs Assessment for Children and Young People in Southampton, 2023-2024

This is a one off needs assessment produced by a Public Health Registrar on placement in the Public Health team. This needs assessment includes information on: National data on prevalence applied to generate estimates for tobacco, alcohol, drugs and vape use in Southampton. Local data from local survey (BeeWell), Family Nurse Partnership and Children's Services data. Data and rapid review of evidence for the harms and impacts related to smoking, alcohol, drug use, and vaping, including data on crime and hospital admissions due to drug and alcohol use. Description of DASH (children and young people’s drug and alcohol service) service users and parents in contact with CGL (adult drug and alcohol service). Interviews with Southampton City Council and DASH staff about tobacco, alcohol, drugs and vaping to generate some qualitative evidence.

Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Vaping (TADV) Needs Assessment for Children and Young People in Southampton, 2023-2024
Slide Set
pdf | 1.7 MB | 18.06.2024

Z-Scoring methodology

Z-Scoring methodology
pdf | 542.9 KB | 31.01.2024

ONS - Explore local statistics

Compare a local authority and the UK average (median) local authority by different indicators, such as weekly pay and healthy life expectancy. You can also add and compare up to three other local authorities.

ONS - Explore local statistics