Southampton Data Observatory brings together data from key stakeholders across Southampton and Hampshire and, combined with nationally published data, makes it accessible to professionals, businesses, the voluntary sector, citizens and communities. This page draws together a selection of maps on various topics all in one place. These maps range from simple geographical boundary maps to thematic maps visualising spatial differences in need and inequalities across the city. Maps are available to download below organised alphabetically by topic.
Other resources can also be accessed from the interactive dashboards page, data by topic page and presentation slide sets page.
This dashboard draws together a selection of interactive maps on various topics all in one place. These maps range from geographical boundary maps and points of interest for Southampton.
Below is a time series Power BI dashboard illustrating the change in the percentage of the working age population claiming Universal credit and Job Seekers Allowance claimants for the last 25 months.
Well designed and managed Green Infrastructure (GI) generates multiple benefits for people and nature and creates greener, healthier places to live that supports a more productive economy. Natural England have produced an interactive mapping tool which allows users to map green and blue infrastructure and measure accessibility across the country.
Cartograms are a form of mapping that prioritises displaying statistical information over geographical truth. Hexagonal catrograms of each Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (including Southampton) have been produced by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board. The below visualisation presents a range of demographic and health indicators by these cartograms.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board produced a tool which maps different DEFRA pollution metrics for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, including Southampton.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) published the latest Indices of Deprivation (IoD) in 2019. The Indices of Deprivation (2019) provides a relative ranking of areas across the country according to their level of deprivation and is the primary source of information on deprivation in England. The IMD measures deprivation at neighbourhood level known as 2011 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which contain approximately 1,500 people, and ranks each of the 32,844 LSOAs in England by their level of deprivation and splits them into 10 equal groups known as deciles. The original IMD data produced by the DLUHC can be downloaded below along with a summary slide set. In addition, a series of maps are also available below illustrating the deprivation decile assignment for each of Southampton’s 148 LSOAs for each domain of deprivation, along with an interactive mapping tool produced by DLUHC, which allows the data for the whole of England to be explored and compared with 2015. The Southampton analysis summary slide set has been updated for 2023 ward boundaries.
Maps visualising the changes between IMD 2015 and IMD 2019 by each of Southampton's 148 2011 LSOAs with 2023 ward boundaries are available for download below. Please note that there were no changes in the EST - adult skills sub-domain between 2015 and 2019 in Southampton.
Maps showing areas of social isolation in Southampton. Please note that these maps refer to old ward boundaries.
A map of the boundaries of electoral constituencies in Southampton.
A map showing the 17 wards in Southampton.
The 37 GPs and branches in Southampton by 6 their Primary Care Networks (PCNs), as of January 2022.
A map showing the localities and wards of Southampton.
A map showing the 152 LSOAs in Southampton as of the 2021 Census.
A map showing the Southampton travel to work area (TTWA).
Compare a local authority and the UK average (median) local authority by different indicators, such as weekly pay and healthy life expectancy.