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Presentation chartPresentation slide sets

Southampton Data Observatory brings together data from key stakeholders across Southampton and Hampshire and, combined with nationally published data, makes it accessible to professionals, businesses, the voluntary sector, citizens and communities. This page draws together all of the summary slide sets for various topics all in one place. These slide sets bring together data and analysis into a helpful visual summary of the main issues and key needs in the city for any given topic.

Slide sets are available to download below organised alphabetically by topic. Other resources can also be downloaded from the data by topic page and maps page.


Analysis of need across Southampton neighbourhoods

This work highlights need and inequalities among Southampton neighbourhoods across a number of key theme areas, including demography, children’s social care, youth crime and violence, healthy start, child health and need, adult health and need, education and poverty and deprivation.

Neighbourhood Analysis of Need
Slide Set
pdf | 27.0 MB | 31.05.2021

Census 2021 results

Data releases from the 2021 Census, compared with 2011 Census and other population estimates. Results include population by age and sex, population density, migration and households. A summary slide set comparing Southampton, ONS comparators and England can be downloaded using the links below.

Census 2021 results
Slide Set
pdf | 733.3 KB | 30.05.2023

Cost of living forecasts

Work was undertaken to understand the potential impact of rising energy prices on household discretionary income in Southampton; which is the income remaining to spend, save or invest after paying essential bills, mortgage/rent, groceries, utilities and other necessary expenses. A slide set containing key findings from this work can be found below.

Cost of living analysis
Slide Set
pdf | 3.0 MB | 22.09.2022

COVID-19 Impact Assessment update August 2022

Refresh of the COVID-19 Impact Assessment. This health impact assessment will be used to inform and support prioritisation within the Southampton health and wellbeing strategy.

Covid19 Impact Assessment Update August 2022
Slide Set
pdf | 6.1 MB | 24.08.2022

COVID-19 Impact Assessment

A COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment has been conducted to highlight emerging direct and indirect health impacts of the pandemic on people living in Southampton. This health impact assessment will be used to inform and support prioritisation of specific actions within the Southampton health and wellbeing strategy.

COVID-19 Impact Assessment
Slide Set
pdf | 8.2 MB | 01.12.2021

Current and predicted chronic conditions and predicted need for help

A mapping exercise looking at the prevalence of different chronic conditions by neighbourhood shows the current variations of conditions across the city is available in the first half of the presentation below. An overview of this analysis, along with the results can be found in the second half of the slide set which can be downloaded below.

Current and predicted chronic conditions and predicted need for help - October 2022
Slide Set
pdf | 14.8 MB | 26.10.2022

Food environment analysis

Analysis of the food environment and location of fast-food premises and supermarkets in Southampton

Food Environment Presentation 2024
Slide Set
pdf | 4.0 MB | 11.09.2023

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD 2019) reports and data - 2023 ward boundaries

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) published the latest Indices of Deprivation (IoD) in 2019. The Indices of Deprivation (2019) provides a relative ranking of areas across the country according to their level of deprivation and is the primary source of information on deprivation in England. The IMD measures deprivation at neighbourhood level known as Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which contain approximately 1,500 people, and ranks each of the 32,844 LSOAs in England by their level of deprivation and splits them into 10 equal groups known as deciles. The original IMD data produced by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) can be downloaded below along with a summary slide set. In addition, a series of maps are also available below illustrating the deprivation decile assignment for each of Southampton’s 148 LSOAs for each domain of deprivation, along with an interactive mapping tool produced by DLUHC, which allows the data for the whole of England to be explored and compared with 2015. The Southampton analysis summary slide set has been updated for 2023 ward boundaries.

IMD (2019) - Southampton analysis summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 17.4 MB | 27.06.2023

JSNA summary

Health & Wellbeing Boards are responsible for producing a JSNA (Health & Social Care Act 2012), the JSNA is an assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of the community. The purpose is to improve health & wellbeing and reduce inequalities and it is a statutory requirement to produce AND inform health and wellbeing commissioning plans.

JSNA Summary slide set 2023
Slide Set
pdf | 6.1 MB | 11.09.2023

Learning Disability Needs Assessment September 2023 refresh

Analysis of people with a Learning Disability in Southampton.

Learning Disability Needs Assessment September 2023 refresh
Slide Set
pdf | 1.5 MB | 30.06.2021

ONS Health Index (Southampton) summary slides

Summary slides and main slide set for Southampton from the ONS Health Index.

ONS Health Index summary slides
Slide Set
pdf | 1.5 MB | 17.05.2023

ONS Health Index (Southampton) slides

Southampton from the ONS Health Index main report

ONS Health Index (2015-2020) slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 2.6 MB | 17.05.2023

2022/23 Safe City Strategic Assessment

The Southampton Safe City Strategic Assessment provides an overview of current and future crime, disorder and community safety issues affecting Southampton and makes recommendations to enable the Partnership to focus the Safe City Strategy and local delivery plans. The slide set that informed the assessment is available below to download.

2022/23 Safe City Strategic Assessment slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 4.7 MB | 24.11.2023

Southampton Economic Assessment

The Southampton Economic Assessment slide set was last updated in June 2023. A slide set was produced updating the key messages for the city. The latest information for 2024 is available on the Economy webpage and dashboard.

2023 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 4.4 MB | 12.06.2023
2022 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 4.7 MB | 18.08.2022
2021 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 4.2 MB | 19.03.2021
2020 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 5.3 MB | 22.07.2020
2019 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 4.9 MB | 17.05.2019
2018 Summary slide set
Slide Set
pdf | 5.2 MB | 01.02.2018